Vanyori venyaya pfupi vanodiwa neBhabhu Books

Makadii kose-kose kwamuri vanyori venyaya pfupi. Musazoti hamuna kurihwa shoko reshambadzo kubva kuBhabhu Books. Hunzi sedonzo ravo rekusumudzira mutauro waamai, vane hurongwa hwekubudisa muunganidzwa hwenyaya pfupi mururimi rwechiShona. Ndaritambidzawo kwamuri vane hunyanzvi hwehunyora nyaya idzi. 

Nguva zhinji tinonzwa vanyori vachichema kuti hakuna uko vanogona kuisawo nyaya dzavo pfupi sezvinoitwa navanyori venyaya pfupi mururimi rwechiRungu. Mukana wavapo waunzwa neveBhabhu. Zvava kwauri munyori.

10 December 2014

Dear Writer,
Bhabhu Books specializes in publishing Shona books and promoting a reading culture. Since inception some 4 years ago, Bhabhu Books has been receiving countless number of manuscripts and inquiries from Shona writers wanting to get published.

While we are passionate about the development, growth and promotion of Shona books, the reality on the ground is that we are unable to publish all the manuscripts we receive. Also, the dynamics in the book industry are making it difficult to invest in sustainable book publishing. Yet, we feel duty bound to make sure the Shona language is preserved and promoted.

This has led us to source funds to publish a Shona short story anthology. We hope that this anthology will offer talented Shona writers the opportunity to be published, get known and grow the Shona language.

I am therefore inviting you to submit a short story to be considered for publication in our forthcoming Shona short story anthology titled Makore asina mvura. We hope your stories will focus on the metaphorical and even real aspects of this phrase.

Only 10-15 stories will be selected.

A story should be no shorter than 1500 words, and no longer than 5000 words. No fees, honorarium or royalties will be paid on publication. Each contributing author will receive 10 free copies of the anthology and if they need more copies will be able to buy at the wholesale price from Bhabhu Books. Thereafter if Bhabhu Books sells permissions on your story, you will be entitled to 60 per cent of any fee charged, and Bhabhu 40 per cent, 20 per cent of which will go to admin costs.

The final date of submission is Friday, 20th February, 2015. 
Send your stories to marked Makore asina mvura in the subject and stating your name, age, gender and contact details.

Best wishes,


Ignatius Mabasa
Ignatius Mabasa
Bhabhu Books
0772 278 171


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