Calling for poets

Musazoti hatina kuzvihwa. Imwe nguva zvigoita sezvinonzi zvaiva zvetsvete izvo zvakangotaurwa mose muchinhwa. Kunodiwa vadetembi vehumhizha hwemberi.

Calling all Poets!

Poetry International (Zimbabwe) in collaboration with Magamba Network and Shoko Festival are inviting performance poets to enter no more than two poems for a competition. The winning ten poems will be published in the Poetry International (Zimbabwe) issue in September 2014. The poems will be accompanied by live performance.

The poems will be judged on their freshness, wit, insight, imagery, alliteration, assonance, rhyme, rhythm, simile and metaphor as well as their performance.

The shortlisted poets will be expected to perform their poems at the Word Garden event at the Book Café on Thursday 20th March 2014

The selected poets will also be asked to record their poems at a date to be announced.

Published poets will receive US$50 for their poem. The poet of the overall winning poem/performance will receive a prize of US$150.

Please email your submissions to: <> and <>
by Thursday 6th March 2014

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